Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Loft

These are initial pics of the loft area. I placed some bds. up there one day--just to try and get an idea of what the layout will be. With Tom's help I think it's pretty well settled. Afterall--there's only so much space!

Going up the stairs! This will be at least partially walled off and there will be handrails.

 Looking up the stairs. That is a closet/storage area at the top. Thank you Russell Lehman for your thought!
 At the top of the landing looking through. These windows face the cabin.
Standing at the windows looking back. In the corner will be the bathroom--kitchenette to the left.
I'm so looking forward to this space! First, though, my kitchen has to be done!!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Some pics of the finds for the loft apt.

 Large chandelier for the living rm. area in the loft. This, as well as the smaller on that will go in the dining area, will be painted a dull red.

 Metal art--the white one will be painted--not sure of the color yet.

 The blue is for the curtains with  the cream at the bottom--the others will be for accent pillows. Lot's of color!!

 Possible art work--did I mention this will be a contemporary-ecclectic area?
 This matches the chandelier design-perfect.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Well----finally----our garage is up and well on it's way to completion! We plan to turn the area upstairs into an efficiency apt. I'm very excited about making it happen. I've picked a color scheme of gray with accents of red, yellow and a blue/gray. While Hannah, Andy and the babies were here a couple weeks ago, she and I had to visit our favorite thrift store--GW outlet. She found 2 heavy, gold chandeliers with glass dangles--perfect she told me, for the apt.--I call it the loft. So--for $2 and $3 we got them. Of course, they will be getting a paint job--and I think they'll look fantastic in their new area! We found a few other goodies that day, too. When you are able to start thinking outside the box in the area of decor it sure opens up a whole new world!
As far as news--on a sad note--but not really so sad--Tom's (step)mom passed away the 2nd of Oct. after being diagnosed with bladder cancer in May. Thankfully, she never had a lot of bad pain and she said she was "prayed up, packed up, and ready to go". For that, we're thankful. The words 'rest in peace' never held so much meaning for me as they did for Mom.
Nathanael got to come home during that time and spent about a week with us. It was good to have him home. He and Tom got to spend quite a bit of time together since Tom was off work. It seemed to have meant a lot to Nate to be able to be home with us. He's back in Norfolk now--that's where he'll be until his time in the Navy is up.
While Nate was in, he and Tom went skydiving! I had gotten Tom a jump on Groupon-tandem, of course-and since Nate was here, we talked him into going, too. They had an absolute blast! I do believe they'll both do it again at some point. Me--I don't think so:}
Since the garage will be finished soon, the next big project will be my kitchen. YAY!!!!!! There are so many ideas but such limited space here that I must be very thoughtful in planning. Hmmmm.

I had a brain freeze and couldn't remember my password for a while--duh!! Anyhow--I'll try ot keep this updated a bit better  :}

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Wow-been a long time so--guess what? It's picture overload time!! Woo-hoo! Now-I did load these pics in order but when they downloaded they scrambled?? not sure what happened there. We have  way too many projects going here so we"ll be under construction for some time to come---but that means progress,right?
Where to begin--recently-June--Tom and I had to make an emergency trip to FL. that ended up lasting about 3 wks. His mom has been diagnosed with agressive bladder cancer with no hope of recovery. No one could seem to get her the help she needed so Tom had to step in and get her help. We were able to get her in to MDAnderson cancer center in Orlando and they were great. She was so relieved to be getting answers and help. She amazes the Drs. because she has no pain. She is able to eat and go although she does have tubes in the kidneys to drain. Hospice is now on board so we don't have to worry that she won't be cared for. We will be going back to FL. the end of Aug. to see her and to help Andy's brother David celebrate his marriage.
From here I think I'll just give a bit about the pics as we go...

 This is Father's day --which of course we spent in FL.
 We got to be there for Chastity's 3rd birthday. She was one busy, hot little girl. Each gift got and ooo or some sort of exclamation.
 Pretty independant
 Daddy and daughter and Caleb
 Chastity dressed herself--white cowgirl boots, her "down" skirt and cowgirl hat--too cute.  She calls the long skirts--which she loves--her "down" skirts. Before she had some of her own she would pull hers down to her thighs to make them long :}
 I mentioned I was going to redo the bedroom--it's pretty much done. The colors are actually brown and aqua but it doesn't show too well here.

 Didn't I say the pics got scrambled? We'll finish the bed room in a bit. This is the gaping hole in my kitchen/dining area. It is 151" long so it's requiring a lot of glass! We found a large dbl. pane window on craigslist to fill up 96" then we'll put 2 small windows that will open at each end.
 Here we are back at the bedroom. I tried my hand at cre'sating my own artwork for it. It's different ,but I like it. The curtains I made with some toille I had from Hannah's wedding!! I like the effect and it keeps the room "open".

 This is the screen tent we put up across the ravine. It will be moved down in the ravine when we get the spot ready to set up the pool. Much privacy!!!!!
 Tom and I were happy to be able to go to A Weekend To Remember. It was time well spent and we would reccomend it.
 A few months ago Tom got a swarm from one of his hives. He now owns a bee suit since he's had a couple bad reactions to stings.

 Yes--the garage!! It's no longer just a dream--we hope to have it up under cover in a few weeks. Tom thinks he's found a guy to do the work for us that we can trust to do a good job.
 While traveling back from FL. we stopped at a little out-of-the-way cafe'. It had outside seating, too so we took in the view while we ate.
 This is the new window--nice and big, huh? Did I mention heavy??
 We also added a screeen tent to the front yard so we could have a decent place to sit and get a different view :}
With the kitchen redo under way, I got a new frig. and I'm liking it! My other one was having issues and needed to go the way of all sick frig's.
So, that brings you pretty much up to date here at the cabin. Lot's to do around here yet so I'll share updates along the way. So glad you came to "visit" me today :]

Friday, April 8, 2011

Coffee center

Ok, so this is mostly for our kids--anyone else can just shake your head in wonderment at our enjoyment in making coffee :0
This is our "coffee center". We have a vaccum coffee pot, a grinder for the beans, which we do for every pot. It makes a world of difference in the taste. We mostly brew Starbucks, although we found another brand that we like, too. It's just not as readily available. Back to the center--we also have a hand grinder-- (both grinders are burr grinders for the best flavor ) which came before the electric one and we'll use it when traveling or camping. Along the same thought of travel--we have a french press, measuring tools (have to get it right!), coffee beans, creamer (I know--it's my 1 bad habit) and pure maple syrup for sweetner. Tom is actually drinking it black most of the time now. He is learning to enjoy the different flavors within the coffee. I should tell you--this new enjoyment and facination for coffee started after we attended a coffee tasting at Starbucks several weeks ago. They were introducing their new Tribute coffee and their new line of treats. It was quite interesting and the treats were good--probably not good FOR you, but good :)
I keep a small french press at work and take coffee I've ground at home, as well as my own creamer and sweetner so I can still enjoy a good cup of coffee if I don't get it made before I go. I have to be there by 6 a.m. so --yes--sometimes I don't get it brewed before I leave. (yawn)
When Hannah comes home we'll have alot of fun since she's our Starbucks queen. Nathanael will require a full pot instead of our 2 cups and Aaron will just think we've really gone way out :)

This is our vaccum coffee pot. It makes a wonderful, hot pot of coffee and it's fun to watch! The water heats in the bottom and is sucked up to the coffee in the top.

Water has been sucked up to the coffee and is brewing--just a few minutes, then it begins to perk.
After it perks for about 30 seconds, you remove it to a hot pad to complete.

 Coffee is beginning to be pulled down into the pot. This usually takes just a minute or 2.

Coffee is now ready! It stays hotter longer this way, too.

Yet another project

Yep, another project is beginning. This is the beginning of a small pond out front. We think it will be a nice addition to the scenery and a drawing card, so to speak, for the wildlife. since we'll be able to sit at the dining room table and see it , it should prove to be lots of fun. Once it's dug and the liner set, it will probably take shape fairly quickly. We had one in Ada. Tom dug it out in a heart shape. We had some water plants and a few goldfish. It was the center of our garden there and the bees actually benefited from the water source. The same will go for them here.

There was a crooked man who built a crooked house

Don't know if the man was crooked or not, but his building sure was!! Between Tom, Nathanael and Andy, they'll have it all fixed and it'll look good. This was originally a horse shelter/tack room combo. Oh--storage for us!!

Looking into the bedroom--the floor tilts right now--that will be corrected so the bed doesn't have to be shimmed!

Track lighting for the living area

T?his is the view from the back. Tom has made a temporary path for us to cross over. Eventually he'll make a permanent pathway and clear some of the brush.  The big log is a bit rotten, of course. Tom scraped it on top and planted some wildflowers on it in hopes of adding some gorgeous color to the scenery.