Sunday, February 24, 2013

The times, they are a chang'in

Tom and I are about to change our lives again--and so are my parents. Since they are both in declining health    decisions had to be made. It's becoming increasingly difficult for dad to handle everything without help, mainly my mother's decline. After talking and praying and much deliberation and struggle, dad has decided to move he and mom in with Tom and I.
I can't say it's not without mixed emotions on my part. Caring for Granny was one thing--these are my parents. When the time comes that they pass--if it's here at the house,I'm sure that will be a totally different story than it was with Granny. It was a very emotional time for Granny so..........
Then, I'll be quitting my job. Now, I'm not one that feels I must work to define myself, but I must admit that I feel a certain amount of loss. I have clients that I've been with for a couple yrs. and we have become friends they look forward to my company. Fro one, it seems like they're just making some very good strides towards some healing  and I would hate to think it would set them back by my leaving. That's just the way it can go in healthcare.
Yet, I have to stop and think that there's no greater privilege than to care for my parents and give them all the comfort and dignity that I possibly can. Are there going to be rough spots in the road? You bet! Will I get tired? Of course! Will they miss their former life? In a lot of ways, yes! I would be a fool to think it's going to be a cake walk and all will be sunshine and roses. I know that will not be the case. So, I'll ask for God's grace, courage and strength every day--not just for me , but for Tom, mom and dad as well.
Tom has been so gracious to allow this to happen. He's understanding in the fact that he knows the burden will mostly be on me and he wants to make sure I'm up to it. He'll be there to help as he can, but work doesn't stop for him.
Well--that means the guest bedroom is about to get an overhaul! Tom's going to raise the floor first. Well--second! First we have to remove everything from the room then remove the carpet. Presently, the floor steps down into the room. For safety it has to be raised. Then, since there will be a new floor we'll have to put new tile down, then paint. All this needs to be done in about 2wks. :} Not to mention other changes that need to be done to insure their safety and comfort. It's all good!
Any prayers sent up for us in the midst of all this change would be greatly appreciated!
One plus is that since I'll be home more, maybe I can get some smaller projects done!
Have a happy day!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Think, think, think!

That seems to be what I do a lot when it comes to a room makeover. I guess that's good , but it seems I have a very hard time coming to a final choice on how it needs to look when done.Then, there's the problem of bringing it all together! If our daughter was here I know it would all get done a lot quicker!
Anyway, all of that to say---I think I have a real and viable plan for the guest bedroom! At the present time I have my desk in the living room--and I'm not liking it. So, today I got the bright idea that I could double the use of the bedroom and add an office area!. I even feel like I have a good plan that will look very nice and organized when I'm done.
Later, I'll post some before/after pics and maybe you'll give me some feedback?
So--here I go--hoping for a very pleasing outcome!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

One thing leads to another

The making of the upstairs laundry area has certainly lead to other changes. Because it had to done! Our living room was/is a giant MESS!!

We're trying to remedy that tonight--well--as much as possible.......

Tom has been sweet about helping and understanding the NEED to rearrange!:} As you see, there are a lot of things that still need to find their home, but I think we're gonna like it. It certainly gives the room a different feel. The rug in front of the couch was a find--only $4.00! The colors are perfect- * sigh *--I'm so happy I found it.
Once this mess is cleaned and the room is finished I'll post a couple 'finished product' pics. Oh, the laundry area is really taking shape, too. I must admit--I'm excited !!

Friday, January 4, 2013

New laundry room

So---Tom and I have discussed moving the washer and dryer upstairs for some time now. We thought we'd sell our set, buy a stackable set and putting it in the small closet area in what is (was) my office area. After thinking some more and actually looking at stackables and even calling about a set, we decided we'd just save the money and redo the office area into the laundry area. Now, I admit, it will be a bit awkward in some ways, but well, we'll work with it. So, Tom has run the plumbing and will be laying some of the flooring today---hoping to have the washer hooked up tonight. I must say, I'm looking forward to having it upstairs! The steps to the basement are steep. Steep as in I go down sideways :} That plus lugging the baskets up and down can tend to be a bit of a pain. Tom, sweet man that he is, didn't want me having to do that anymore.
Anyhow, these are some in progress pics. I'll post some more later as we move along in this.
The office area now. For now, the unit on top is staying. It may change in appearance later.
The rest of the pics will come as soon as google gives me the option to upload from my computer!

Finally! Here's the construction in full swing.